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Admitted to practice in Massachusetts and New Hampshire 978-319-6006

Taking Care of Your Estate as Your Family Grows

Most young parents do not think about dying or becoming seriously ill or injured. As unlikely as such a serious event is when we are young, it is a possibility. This is why we pay for medical insurance, disability insurance,…

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An Overview of Power of Attorney Appointments

As a precautionary measure, you should make provisions in case you become incapacitated and require someone to manage your affairs when you become incapacitated. These legal documents can grant broad authority to one or more power of attorney agents to…

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Probate: Understanding the Process

During probate court, a person's will is validated and the executor is responsible for handling the decedent's assets, debts, and final tax filings legally and according to the decedent's wishes. To begin probate, a personal representative or executor must file…

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What You Need to Know About Gun Trusts

In the United States, gun trusts are legal tools that enable individuals to own firearms in a legally compliant way and, at the same time, allow them to share access to firearms with others. This approach is beneficial for those…

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A Guide to Living Wills: Ten Things to Know

If you became seriously ill or suffered an injury and were unable to make healthcare decisions for yourself, what would you do? You don’t have to be old to become incapacitated. A living will, a component of an advance health…

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How Estate Planning Differs From Elder Law

During the process of planning your future, both financially and medically, you may wonder what the difference between estate planning and elder law is. Estate planning and elder law also have some similarities. Even though these two types of law…

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A Brief Introduction to Special Needs Trusts

Creating a special needs trust (SNT) is an excellent method for planning for your loved one's future. A special needs trust can provide fiduciary management and oversight for a loved one unable to manage property or funds due to physical…

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